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So with all this in mind when should we fear most? With these filters being so reactive and emotional, you could say, how we possibly perceive something one day, could be perceived differently another day. So filters are exactly what we have, we filter this information and then process this through our character, emotions, personal concerns and identity. It’s funny when someone says something we could possibly find offensive most would say “don’t you have a filter?” The information we receive or the reality and the world as it happens is filtered through our filters and senses sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. But is there a time and place to fear? Should we fear amongst family what we say and do? Friends? Work colleagues? Everything we do is scrutinised and we’re losing more and more in the fear of offending. Just like most, I have reservations that we’re slowly becoming too Politically Correct (PC).

Some would say “why fear what others perceive of us” but for me everyone needs a little fear, as the more fearless we’re becoming, the more we seem to offend others with no regard of their feelings. I have always been a big believer in the concept of perception.